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In connection with your use of this website ( (the “Site”), we collect some information each time you visit. Therefore, we are required to make you aware that information is being collected and to tell you what we plan to do with it. This privacy policy (this “Policy”) applies to information collected by our website, its subsidiaries and/or divisions (collectively, “us,” “our,” and/or “we”). A list of our subsidiaries can be found below. This Policy applies only to our information collection and dissemination practices in connection with the Site and does not apply to our practices or offline conduct. Please read this Policy before using the Website. By using the Website, you represent that you have read and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Policy. Therefore, if you disagree with any part of this Policy, please do not use the Website. We reserve the right to update and revise this policy at any time. You can determine whether this Policy has been revised since your last visit by checking the effective date at the top of each page. Your use of the Site following any such revision constitutes your acceptance of the terms of this Policy as modified or revised by us. You should therefore periodically review this Policy to ensure that you are familiar with its terms.

Information We Collect

Non-Personally Identifiable Information. Once you start using the website, we may start collecting information about your visit, such as: [length of visit, type of web browser used, the operating system/platform you use, your IP address, the websites, from which you linked to us and your CPU speed. We may also determine if and how you use the website by recording website traffic patterns and “clickstreams”. This information allows us to track what site visitors view most often so we can identify and provide more of the features they want. Products and services and the continuous improvement of the performance and functionality of the website. Personally Identifiable Information. Personally identifiable information includes information such as your name, home or business address, email address, telephone number, etc., as well as any other information that could be used to contact you physically or online. You do not have to provide us with your personal information to use the website. We only collect personal information from you if you voluntarily provide it to us. We will retain personal information about you for as long as we believe it is necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this policy, unless applicable laws, rules and regulations require a longer retention period.

How do we use the information and who will have access to it?

1) To process and fulfill your orders and provide customer service.

2) To send you information about our products and promotions.

3) To improve the content and functionality of our website.

How is the information you collect secured?

We use commercially reasonable security measures to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control. Unfortunately, no data storage system or system for transmitting data over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of our servers, the manner in which personal information is transmitted between your computer and our servers, or any personal information provided to us or third parties through or in connection with the Website.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy:

From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices or to comply with legal requirements. We will post any changes on our website, so please check back regularly to stay informed.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us via email.